Page:Life and journals of Kah-ke-wa-quo-na-by.djvu/16

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York Bible Society—Watson's—Fasting and praying as a Translator-Letter from Abraham Hill—Census of the Credit—Mrs. Brant-Oneida Joseph—Power at Meetings—Stoney Creek—Christmas Day—Father Clyne—New Years' thankfulness—Quarterly meeting—Melting time—Council on temporalities—Reasons for accepting the Chieftainship—Arrives at Schoogog—Indians glad—The Meetings favoured of God—Death of Rev. Wm. Slater—Visit of Colonel Givins—Petitioning the Governor—The Female Preacher—To Holland Landing next—A Mission for Snake Island—Indian Children before the Governor's Family—Is at Rice Lake—About building a Church—Journey to the United States with Mr Case and others-Interesting particulars of persons, places, and success



Still in the United States—Large Meetings—Encouragement—Philadelphia Conference—Dorcas Missionary Society at John Street, New York—Educating four Natives—Parent Missionary Society—Idols exhibited—Rev. G. Cookman—Marriage of Rev. Wm. Case-Homeward journey—English interfering with Chippeway—Calls at Grape Island and Rice Lake—Saving power—Rev. Ephraim Evans-Welcome at the Credit—Waits on Sir John Colborne—Noble religious decision—Strange interview with the Lord Bishop of Quebec—Independent dealing with Officers—Yonge Street Camp meeting—Whites and Indians saved—Distributing Ojebway Hymn Book—His Translations, and the Bible Society—Teacher for Asance's Tribe—Archdeacon Strachan—Starts with Labourers to Lake Simcoe and Huron—A good Indian Missionary—Arrangements—Meetings—Great grace—Travelling—Blessed on the rocks—Affectionate reception—Building Mission premises—Pagan ornaments—Parting for different posts—Penetanguishene Bay—Nottawasaga Bay—Keche Weequodong—Saugeen Indians met with—Good effects—Goderich—River Aux Sable—St. Clair River—Kegedoon's Resolved—Wawanosh—Sleeping on a lizard—Seasonable supplies—Deer fence-Night on the beach-Well received everywhere



Started for St. Clair—Owen system—A bare bone—Indians intoxicated—Consultation—No answer yet—Wawanosh—Walpole Island—Degradation—Interview with Pazhezhickquashkum—Obstacles—Yellowhead—Munceytown—His Father in the Gospel—Baptisms—Compliments and prejudices—Conference in Ancaster—His memorable Camp ground—Important Indian statistics—Three Sisters converted—Leaves for Camp meeting on Yellowhead's Island—A Council—The encampment glorious—Delightful Sacraments—Indian liberality—Temporal economy—The good John Sunday's northern tour—Off to Rice Lake and Grape Island—Rice gathering—Thanks for the Word—Bro. Evans' School—Grape Island work-shops—Population—Improvement—Brother and Sister Case—Government Payments—Missionary appointed—Shoe making—River Sauble Indians—A