Page:Life and journals of Kah-ke-wa-quo-na-by.djvu/179

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name of our God, we will come out from among them, and strive to live with an eye single to the glory of God, who alone is able to do us good.

Sunday 6th. — At 11 o'clock I endeavoured to preach in the Hamilton Chapel from Luke xix. 10. The congregation was but small. In the afternoon I preached in Cobourg Chapel from Matt, v. 33. The congregation was very attentive.

Monday 7th. — At 1 o'clock I preached a funeral sermon over a child five or six years old, from 1 Peter i. 24, 25. Rode to Mr. Farley's for the night.

Sunday 13th. — In the morning, at prayer meeting; at 9, Sunday school; at noon I preached from 2 Cor. v. 17; gave the substance in English to the whites present. Brother Jos. Sawyer exhorted; at 5, p. m., I preached from Psalm xxiii.; a middling good time. Visited sister M. Crawford, who is very sick. She is quite happy in the Lord, and resigned to His will.

Thursday 17th. — Took a census of the number of Indians belonging to this village, which I found to be 223 souls; the increase since last year is eight. A precious time at the prayer meeting in the evening. Blessed be God for all His mercies towards me!

Sunday 20th. — Prayer meeting at the chapel in the morning. At 7. a. m., we went to a field meeting about 3 miles off. The Rev. T. Madden presided. There was a large congregation assembled. Mr. Madden opened the meeting by a short address; we then sang and prayed, after which he called on me to exhort first the whites, then the Indians. Brother Shoot then gave a short address. The Rev. E. Adams preached from John xiv. 3, and afterwards Elder Madden from Rev. xxii. 17. After this I endeavoured to preach from Acts xiii. 41. We then sang, and the Elder closed the exercises by prayer. The congregation was very serious and attentive, and I hope our labour was not in vain.