Page:Life and journals of Kah-ke-wa-quo-na-by.djvu/19

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Fingers' Dream—He and newish leave for Coldwater—Returns—Accompanies Mrs. Jones and Indian girl to New York for England-James Lang—Mrs. Taylor, of Toronto—Brother Oughtred—Sister Pinney—A blessed day—Arrival of Rev. Egerton Ryerson—Cobourg Academy—Toronto Conference—Manual Labour School—Chippeway orthography—Starts for the North—Rocky Islands—Snakes—Governor's Canoe, and Mr. Jarvis—Skull Island—Lands at Manitoolin—The White Gentlemen — Rev. W. McMurray—Noopumadazhaneang—Number of Indians—Patawahtahtmee Reply—Bark Chapel—Thomas Fraser—Sending Labourers—Thunder Nest—Wagemahka's place—Tenting on rocks—Sabbath-keeping—Penetanguishene—Distressing rumour—His Brethren's respect—Reaches the Credit—Brother Slight—Alnwick—Indian Camp meeting—Hears of fruit—Languages in worship—Rev. J. Gladwin—Departs again for England—Lands at Liverpool — Lambeth friends—Mr. Wm. Dawson—Aborigines Protection Society—Missionary Williams—At his Ojebway History—Sir Augustus D'Este—Indian in prison—Blind Boy—Lord Glenelg—Negro Apprenticeship Meeting-Highland Scotch Society—Plymouth—Camborne Missionary Meeting—St. Agnes—Gwennap—Penzance—St.Ives—Redruth—Carnbrea—J.Carne, Esq., Dr. Beaumont and others—Influence of Methodism—Birmingham Meeting—Tread Mill—Exeter Hall Parent Meeting—Beautiful Country-Chesterfield—Captain Sunday—Rev. H. Melville—Rev. G. Osborn—Sir Henry Wheatley and Medal—Foregoes the Coronation for Ireland—Irish Conference—Missionary Meeting—A Tour—Crosses to Scotland—Much gratified—London—Goes to Wales—Rev. Mr. Binney—At the Colonial Office—Rev. Mr. Aitkins—Presentation to Queen Victoria—Farewell Missionary Service



Epitome of Mr. Jones' Journal from the year 1839 to 1855...Some particulars of his last Sickness and Death, and his General Character, by Mrs. Jones.
