Page:Life and journals of Kah-ke-wa-quo-na-by.djvu/201

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dist Missionary Society was held; the Bishop in the chair, who opened the services by singing and prayer. The Treasurer read the Report, in which he stated the amount collected and expended on the work. The Rev. Mr. Paddock, from the States, then addressed the meeting, as also did the Revs. Wm. and Geo. Ryerson. The Indian scholars from Grape Island and Rice Lake then proceeded to exhibit their improvement in reading, spelling, catechisms, singing, needle work, &c. The congregation appeared highly delighted with what they saw and heard. Wm. Doxstader read a portion from St. Luke's Gospel in Mohawk, so we had several languages employed in setting forth the praises of God in this meeting. The report stated that there were ten Indian stations in this province; 12 schools; about 300 scholars, and 800 members in society. During the five years past about 1,200 have been baptized.

Saturday 5th. — At 8 in the morning the Indian brethren met at the chapel for worship. Many of our white friends were also present, who rejoiced to see the grace of God amongst their Indian brethren. Some of the Indian brothers and sisters spoke and related their conversion to God. At 11 o'clock the Bishop preached an excellent sermon from John iv. 35, 36; at the conclusion the ordination of Deacons took place. About 1 o'clock the Rev. Mr. Paddock preached a fine discourse from 2 Cor. v. 20, and then the Elders were ordained. The Indian children sang a few hymns, and a word of exhortation was given by some Indian speakers. In the evening the Indian brethren held a meeting in the chapel. Brother Messmore exhorted, and I gave a short account of the work of God amongst the Mohawks, and the Indians shouted for joy.

Tuesday, 7th. — Went and heard the discussions in the Conference. In the evening Brother R. Heyland preached; at the conclusion of which mourners were invited forward to the altar. Two professed to have found peace to their souls.