Page:Life and journals of Kah-ke-wa-quo-na-by.djvu/213

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Wednesday, 31st. — Held a watch night. Brother Ryerson preached from Rev. x. 6, after which we had a short prayer meeting. At 11. p. m., I gave a short discourse on the parable of the barren figtree, Luke xiii. 6, 10. A few minutes before midnight we knelt down in silent prayer, and commended ourselves to the mercy and care of God, that his blessings might rest upon us during the year we were now entering upon. We thanked God for past blessings, and trusted in him for the time to come. My mind was greatly exercised during this meeting; yet I felt thankful to God for all the mercies he had vouchsafed unto me during the past year.

Thursday, January 1st. — The language of my heart was, "Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits." Thou, Lord, hast brought me to the beginning of another year, and spared my life as a monument of thy amazing love and mercy. O Lord, when I look back upon my past life, and behold my unprofitableness, I am astonished at thy long suffering and love in not cutting down the barren fig tree. It is because Jesus, my Redeemer, still pleads for me in heaven. O thou most merciful eternal God, I humbly beseech thee to pardon all my past short comings and wanderings from thee, for the sake of our Lord Jesus Christ. O heavenly Father, may it please thee to prepare me for more extensive usefulness in thy church, and to bring forth the fruits of righteousness, to thy name's glory, and honour. Amen. In the evening we held a Council, and appointed our road masters, constables, chapel keeper, and collectors for the year. Chief Ajetans then nominated me for the office of a Chief in the tribe, in the place of our departed Brother, Chief Captain John Cameron. The nomination was unanimously approved by the council. I stated to the council that I should require a little time to consider on the matter, and when I had made up my mind I would let them know whether I would accept of the office or not.