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consideration. I informed the council that I had taken advice on the subject: that I was now prepared to give them an answer to their proposal; that in view of the following considerations I had made up my mind to accept of the office tendered to me. 1st. The unanimous wish of the Tribe. This I considered absolutely necessary. 2nd. That my acceptance of the office should not interfere in any way with my Missionary labour. 3rd. That my friends thought I might be more useful amongst our unconverted brethren in persuading them to embrace Christianity. I concurred in this opinion. 4th. That, acting as a Chief. I might have more influence with the Indian Department, and thereby be able to do more for our people in arranging their affairs to their satisfaction. That in view of these considerations I was willing to accept of the office. Several of the Indian brethren delivered speeches, in which they expressed their entire confidence in my ability to serve them. The motion was then put and carried unanimously. I felt my insufficiency, for I am but a child in knowledge and wisdom. O Lord, teach me and guide by thy unerring wisdom, that my usefulness may, by this step, be greatly increased. I felt thankful to my brethren for their good will, and confidence in my humble efforts to promote their welfare and happiness. May God bless them!

Friday 16th. — Arrived at Mr. Kurd's, near Schoogog, in the afternoon. Found a number of Indians encamped near by. I was informed that there had been a great deal of sickness amongst them during the past summer, but that now they were in pretty good health. I was also glad to learn that most of them had been very faithful in the service of the Lord.

Saturday 17th. — In the forenoon I visited the Indian school taught by Brother Aaron Kurd, a promising youth. There were 39 children present. I gave them an address on the importance of gaining knowledge by persevering in their studies;