Page:Life and journals of Kah-ke-wa-quo-na-by.djvu/221

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The leaders made a good report of the steadfastness of the converts in this new way. In the evening I gave the Indians a preaching talk from these words, "Grow in grace."

Monday 16th. — Made arrangements about building a church for this Mission, under the sanction of Brother Case. The size of the church is to be 40 x 30 feet. Brother Case engaged two carpenters to go on with the work, and the Indians are to assist in getting out the timber, &c. Brother J. Evans and myself went to Captain Anderson to see the place of the proposed Indian village at this Mission. In the evening we held a meeting. I spoke from Isaiah xii. 1. Brother Case exhorted, and we had a blessed season to our souls.

Wednesday 18th. — Being now prepared for our journey to Grape Island, thence to the States, we assembled for worship. Miss Barnes gave a short address to the Indian brethren; we then knelt down and commended each other to God by prayer. After this we all shook hands. Many of the Indians wept much, thus manifesting their sincere attachment to their teachers.

Sunday 22nd. — Early at prayer meeting; at 9, a. m., love feast began. A number of our Mohawk brethren were present. The Indian brethren spoke with power, and the Lord poured out his Holy Spirit upon us. At the close of the love feast we had an intermission of half an hour, when we again met in public worship. The Indians filled our chapel, so that the whites were addressed by Miss Barnes in the Mission house. Elder Case requested me to preach to the Indians. I spoke to them from Matt. xxvi. 26, 28. When I got through, some of our exhorters spoke both in the Ojebway and Mohawk, and the Lord poured out his Holy Spirit upon us. Brother Case then administered the Lord's Supper; 91 Ojebways and 16 Mohawks communed. Brother Case baptized four Mohawks and five Ojebway children.