Page:Life and journals of Kah-ke-wa-quo-na-by.djvu/299

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and in safety. I rejoiced to hear, by sister Barnes, that my good friends in New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Boston, &c., had not forgotten to send their Christian love to poor unworthy me. May the Lord bless those faithful lovers of the poor Indians, and crown them with eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Sister Barnes has met with much success, and returned richly laden with the good things of this world for the support of our Indian Missions. She has collected about $1300, besides several valuable donations in articles of clothing and domestic furniture.

Sunday 25th. — In the morning we had a prayer meeting; sabbath school at the usual hour. Our sisters from New York visited the school. In the evening Brother John Sunday preached from Mark xvii.17. — “These signs shall follow them that believe, in my name shall they cast out devils, &c.” I took down in writing the particulars of Brother Sunday's labours among the Indians at Penetanguishene. The report as I received it from Sunday's own mouth, is very interesting. For want of time, I have not inserted it in my journal.

Monday, August 2nd. — I left the Credit Village this day for to visit the Indian Brethren to the east, and so on to the Annual Conference, which is to take place on the 17th of this month.

Friday 6th. — We arrived at Grape Island about 4 o'clock, p. m., and were welcomed by Brother and Sister Case, and by all the brethren on the Island. The neatness of their houses, the luxuriant growth of their crops, and everything else showed that our Grape Island brethren had made great proficiency in the arts of civilized life.

Sunday 8th. — Early in the morning the Indian brethren had a prayer meeting. About 11 o'clock we assembled in the chapel for public worship. I preached to the Indians from Acts x. 34,35. At 2 o'clock in the afternoon the Indian brethren met for an inquiry meeting. Brother Case opened