Page:Life and journals of Kah-ke-wa-quo-na-by.djvu/377

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OUR general Council began to-day. Before entering into business we sung a hymn, and Chief Sawyer prayed, after which Sawyer gave a speech, which consisted in an acknowledgement of the goodness of the Great Spirit in sparing our lives as a people from the pestilence which passed through our country. — Tuesday, January 1st.

Thursday 17th, — During the day, in Toronto, we called a few minutes on the Bishop of Quebec, who received us in a friendly manner, and made several enquiries concerning the Indians at the Credit, &c. Here we also met with Dr. Strachan, who entered into a cheerful conversation with us. Bishop's chaplain was very friendly indeed.

Monday 21st — Employed at translating part of the day. Prayer meeting at Sister Cooke's. My soul happy in God, but was much grieved to hear that some of our young men had been drinking the fire-waters.

Wednesday 23rd. — I hardly know why it is I cannot go on with the translation of the Scriptures; everything seems to work against me in this undertaking; which has rather caused me to doubt whether it was my duty to confine my time to this work, and leave off visiting my Indian brethren at the different Stations. O that the Lord would lead me in a plain path!

Saturday 26th. — Employed in translating. At evening a few of us met to pray for holiness of heart. I felt the Lord to be very close to my face, and he breathed upon me. Blessed be God for what he has done for me!