Page:Life and journals of Kah-ke-wa-quo-na-by.djvu/43

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good time to our poor souls, for the Lord did bless us abundantly. May the Lord continue to carry on his work until every Indian tribe in Canada shall embrace the gospel of Christ, which is able to save all!

Sabbath 8th. — At 11 a. m. we assembled for public worship in our chapel, which was pretty well filled. Mr. T. Davis opened the meeting by singing and prayer. When he had finished his address to his Mohawk brethren, I gave a word of exhortation, and during my talk the spirit of the Most High rested upon us. Our classmeeting was much blessed of God. My soul was very happy.

Thursday 12th. — Engaged in purchasing seed potatoes for my people. In. the evening I visited the wigwam of Pedwawayahsenooqua, who related to me a remarkable dream she had. She dreamed that the heavens and the earth passed away with a great noise, and the Son of God made his appearance, and called her to himself. From this dream I took the opportunity to explain to her the awful day of judgment, and after talking to them for some time we had a word of prayer, and we found it good to call upon the name of the Lord.

Saturday 14th. — Went and procured a few yoke of oxen this morning, in order to plough the ground. My people have been clearing it as a planting ground. My mind was in a thick cloud, and I was much troubled on account of the same.

Sabbath 15th. — In the morning I attended our early prayermeeting. After breakfast I went with two of my Indian brethren to attend an appointment at the Salt Springs. There were about two dozen of Indians and Whites present. I delivered a word of exhortation from these words, "How shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation." Heb. ii. 3. In the afternoon, I heard the Rev. T. Whitehead preach in Brantford, from Luke xix. 10.