Page:Life and journals of Kah-ke-wa-quo-na-by.djvu/65

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on the Sunday, 2nd of October, a mile and a half from the mouth of the river.

Sunday, Oct. 2nd, 1825. — Preached to my Indian brethren at the Credit Flats during this day. Elder Case paid us a visit during this week.

Sunday, Oct. 16th. — Held meetings with the Indians on the Flats. During this week Elder Case visited and preached to us at the Flats. My brother John and I went to York on business.

Sunday, Oct. 23rd. — Held a meeting two miles west of the Credit, amongst the while people.

Thursday 27th. — Went to York and had an interview with the Lieut. Governor, Sir Peregrine Maitland, on the subject of forming a settlement at the Credit.

Sunday Oct. 30th. — Held meetings on the Credit Flats. During this week Col. Givins and Mr. Chewett, of the Surveyor General's Office, came up and laid out our town-plot. We all assisted in running out the same.

Sunday, Nov. 6th. — Preached at the Credit Flats. N. B. We, the Christian Indians, returned in this month to the Grand River, where our people wintered. The Rev. Wm. Case continued to manifest his ardent zeal for the prosperity of the Indians. He was now removed from this to the Bay of Quinte District, but in every way in his power aided us in the work amongst the Indians by correspondence, as the following letter will show:

York, Oct. 5th, 1825.
Dear Brother — I have left money with Brother Patrick to procure a Book for Records, which please use after the following manner :—

After the first six pages (which leave blank for the purpose of introductory remarks, by way of history, concerning the society,) write out a list of the names of the members of the Society. In doing this, first give their Indian name, then the name by which they were baptized, and of what tribe. Then leave a blank for the