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bread to many that are not ſo worthy of it. Giving does not impoveriſh thee; and withholding does not enrich thee: Give this poor Wife twenty bonnacks for theſe few. This Woman ſaid ſeveral times, ſhe was never afterwards ſo ſtraitened for bread as before.

27. At this time, upon a Sabbath night, he preached in a ſhield or sheep-houſe, in a deſart place; a man ſtanding at the door as he came in, he gripped him, and ſaid, Where are you going, ſir? Go home, you have neither art nor part with us; there will be a black account heard of you ere long. Accordingly, very ſhortly thereafter he went to Edinburgh, and took the black Teſt. That night he lectured upon Amos vii. "And I will ſet a plumb line in the midſt of my people Iſrael." He cried out, Oh! how few of the miniſters of Scotland will anſwer the plumb-line? Lord, ſend us a Welwood, a Cargill, and a Cameron, and ſuch as they, and make us quit of the reſt. "And I will riſe againſt the houſe of Jeroboam with the ſword." He ſaid, I will tell you good news, our Lord will take a feather out of Antichriſt's wing, which ſhall bring down the Duke of York, and baniſh him out of theſe kingdoms, and will remove the bloody ſword from above the heads of his people; And there will never a man of the name of Stewart ſit upon the throne of Britain after the Duke of York, whoſe reign is now ſhort, for their lechery, treachery, tyranny, and ſhedding the precious blood of the Lord's people: But, oh! black, black, black will the day be that will come upon Ireland! ſo that one may travail 40 miles, and not ſee a reeking houſe, nor hear a cock crow. At this he ſtarted up to his feet, and clapt his hands, and with a raviſhing voice cried aloud, Glory, glory, to the Lord, that has accepted a bloody ſacrifice of a ſealed teſtimony off Scotland's hand! We have a bloody clout to hold up, the lads that got the bullets through their heads the laſt day at Glentrol; their blood has made the clout redder. When our Lord looks upon the bloody clout, he will keep the ſword of his avenging juſtice in the ſheath