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Shortly after this appearance of Mr. Cargill, before the Council, Rothes was seized with sickness and pains; And when he found the pangs of death turning sharp upon him, he cried out for some of his wife's ministers, (she being a favourer of the Presbyterian ministers) for his ministers were good to live with, but not to die with. He sent for old Mr John Carstairs, who with Mr George Johnston, came to him. Mr. Carstairs dealt very faithfully and freely with him rehearsing many wicked acts of his life: To whom he said, We all thought little of what that man did in excommunicating us; but I find that sentence binding on me now, and will bind to eternity. When Mr. Johnston was praying, several noblemen and bishops being in the next room, some of them said to the bishops He is a Presbyterian minister that is praying; the devil ane of you can pray as they do though your prayers would keep a soul out of hell. Rothes roaring so loud under horror of conscience, for his active wicked life in persecuting, made these noblemen leave him weeping. William Duke of Hamilton, said, We banish these men from us and yet when dying, we call for them, this is melancholy work!

Mr. Cargill and these martyrs murdered with him, got their indictment with sound of trumpet: When they ended their sound, he said, That's a weary sound, but the sound of the last trumpet will be a joyful sound to me, and all found having on Christ's righteousness.

While in prison, a gentlewoman visiting him, told him weeping, that the heaven daring enemies were contriving and proposing an extraordinary violent death for him; some, a barrel with many pikes to roll him in; others, an iron chair, for his body to roast and burn there. He said, Let you, nor none of the Lord's people be troubled for these things: for all that they will get liberty to do to me will be to knit me up, cut me down, and chop off my old head; and then fare them well, they have done with me, and I with them for ever!
