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Thus died the noble Earl of Argyle, a martyr not only to the Protestant Religion, but also bearing his last testimony against Prelacy as well as Popery. His too great compliances with the managers previous to the affair of the Test lay heavy upon him to the last; but nothing grieved him so much as the unhappy vote he gave against Mr. Cargill.


September, 1680.

AFTER Sermon, upon Ezek. xxi. 25 26 27. And thou profane wicked Prince of Israel, whose day is come &c. having made a short and pertinent discourse on the nature, subjects, causes and ends of excommunication, and declared his motives leading him to it, not to be any private spirit of passion, but conscience of duty, and zeal for God; Mr. Cargill pronounced the Sentence as follows.

We have spoken of Excommunication; of the course, subjects and ends thereof: We shall now proceed to the action, being constrained by the conscience of our duty, and zeal for God to excommunicate some of these who have been the committers of so great crimes, and authors of the great mischiefs of Britain and Ireland, but especially these of Scotland: And in doing of this, we shall keep the names by which they are ordinarily called, that they may be the better known.

I being a minister of Jesus Christ, and having authority and power from him Do, in his Name, and by his Spirit, excommunicate Charles the Second. King, &c. and that upon the account of these wickednesses.

1st. For his high mocking of God, in that after he had acknowledged his own sins his father's sins his mother's idolatry, and had solemly engaged against them, in a declaration at Dunfermline, the 16th, of August, 1650,he