Page:Life and surprising adventures of Frederick Baron Trenck.pdf/23

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hour of visiting my prison, when the officers were first going away, the poor little animal darted in, climed up my legs, seated itself on my shoulder, and played a thousand tricks, to express its joy. Every one was astonished at this striking instance of animal sensibility. The Major carried the mouse away, and gave it to his wife, who had a light cage made for it, but the little animal refusing to eat, was a few days after found dead.

"In this seclusion the Baron remained nine years, when the King, probably tired of punishing, consented to his release. After which he retired to Vienna, where he was confined a short time at the instigation of those who enjoyed his property, under a false charge of madness, he found himself necessitated to withdraw his pecuniary claims; and, after the losses, only received the brevet rank of Major in the Austrian service."

No doubt the Revolution is France pointed out that country as a place where he might finish his days in liberty and peace; What then must be the reader's astonishment at the tragical fate which the Baron at last met in that nation. It does not appear what part our hero took in politics; or upon what specific charges he was sentenced to the Guillotine, upon the downfall of Robesperre's party. To us it remains a mystery, how a man of Trenck's character, who had been the constant martyr of arbitrary power, could be deemed obnoxious to the cause of Liberty. Surely the most stern and rigid tribunal might have felt some symptoms of remorse is pronouncing sentence of death upon the hoary head, that for sixty-eight years, had struggled incessantly with the wayward persecutions