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to this new adventure, and he reſolved to go to Shore’s ſhop in diſguiſe to ſee her.

The King whoſe thoughts ſtill run on his intended miſtress, delayed not long to pay her a viſit; and in order to it, attired himſelf like a merchant, and withdrew privately from the court, only attended by a page.

And coming into Shore’s ſhop, then the richeſt in Lombard ſtreet, he found the good man employed in his buſineſs; and, waiting till he was a little at leiſure, he deſired to ſee ſome plate, which being ſhewn him, he, under a pretence of carrying it beyond ſea, ſoon agreed for a conſiderable quantity.—But yet no wife appeared, which made him delay the time with diſcourſe, of what was then tranſacting in England and places abroad, where, he ſaid, he had travelled.

This delighted Shore mightily, ſo that he ordered his man to fetch up a