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bottle of wine, and they drank merrily, the good man beginning with a health to the King, which the King pledged him in. So when some other healths had passed, the King asked, if there was not a mistress to so fair a house? otherwise, he could help him to a wife, rich, young and beautiful.

For this offer, Shore thanked him, but told him, he was already married to such a one as he described, whom he loved entirely. This discourse made the King more desirous to see her ere he departed, and asked if he could not have a sight of her, Shore, little thinking what was intended for his ruin, and proud of his wife's beauty, soon yielded to his request, and ordered her to be called down, who came attired in a sky-coloured morning gown, flowered with gold, embroidered with pearls and spangles, her head attired with curious lace under which her hair flowed wontonly, and her blushes made her appear still more beautiful.