Page:Life in India or Madras, the Neilgherries, and Calcutta.djvu/60

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Land Ho!

Have a man aloft to look out for land," cries the captain. For more than eighteen weeks had we been at sea, but, by the mysterious agency of a timepiece and sextant, we knew that land was just before us. The order was gladly obeyed; and soon, “Land ho!" comes from the masthead, and “Land ho! land ho!" resounds through the ship. “Where away?” cries the captain.

“On the lee bow," is the reply.

It could not be seen from the deck; but mounting the mainmast, I caught sight of the blue hills of India. Yes! India! India! was before my eyes. My heart throbbed, and my soul was lifted up to God with an earnest desire to devote myself to his service in this dark land. Soon the shore was visible from the deck, and all feasted their eyes with the sight. The hills were the “high hills of Madras," but thirty miles south of our desired haven. The deep-sea line was got out, and the lead cast; we were in forty fathoms water. The shore grew more and more distinct, until, with