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Tuan and his wife by taking their offerings!"

We remained some time cramped up in a kind of half sitting, half kneeling posture, unable to move our limbs freely for fear of destroying the equilibrium of our frail canoe, our backs undergoing a slow process of baking under the burning sun, which did not contribute to render our position more comfortable. We waited with all the patience of martyrs for the appearance of the reptile near one of our ducks, which the man had committed to the water previous to uttering his ejaculations to the alligator; but as the rafts floated far into the distance, apparently unmolested in their course, we began to think seriously of returning to the shore.

"Once more, Tuan, only once more!" said the boatman, in a tone of entreaty, as he again besought the uncomplying alligator to seize the offerings.

Finding all his eloquence vain, he took to his