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were preparing the rice and curry for our late breakfast, we bathed in the lake—a most convenient bath-house being erected on poles in the water, which serves for a dressing-room to any traveller wishing to enjoy the luxury of a cool plunge.

A pole was pointed out to me by the Mandor, about thirty yards from the house, placed there, he said, to mark the spot where, three months previous to our visit, a labourer was attacked by a tiger as he was returning home from his work. Near it was erected a clumsy-looking trap, in which a kid was nightly confined; but in spite of the tempting bait, the wily tiger had, up to the time of our arrival, proved too wide-awake to be caught.

We arrived at Probolino;o at eight, but notwithstanding the lateness of the hour, Mr. H——— , the Dutch gentleman who had so kindly lent his aid in securing post-horses for us the previous day, would take no refusal of his invitation to dinner.