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a yellow tinge, they are taken down, piled one over the other in bamboo frames, and left for a fortnight or three weeks to ferment. They are then examined, and if found quite brown, are tightly pressed and packed up, either in boxes or matting for exportation, or in the bark of the tree plantain for immediate sale.

On our return we called upon the Regent, lie lives, like all Javanese chiefs, in a large kind of bungalow, with a pondopo, or covered shed, before it, in which he takes his meals, receives his visitors, and listens to aggravated cases, on which the Wodono has not the ability or power to adjudicate. Several birds, in cages, were hung around this shed, amongst which we saw the Tur- coo-coo, or Morobo, and the jungle cock, which is so prized by all wealthy Javanese.

I found the Regent a very agreeable man. We had a pleasant chat with him in Malay, and he promised to acquaint the Wodonos of Batoe and