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" My help I I tell you it is impossible."

" No, sir, it is not, excuse me," said lie getting bolder, " all we want is a little gin, to enable us to bear our punishment like bra\'e men ! "

One morning we went to see the market, where native and imported crockery, linen, vegetables, fish, meat, fowls, and fruit were displayed in abundance. As I observed some ayam alas, or jungle fowl, to be sold, I purchased a pair, and though repeatedly told by my frii'uds that they were too delicate to survi\e the voyage to Europe, I lioj)ed, by some good luck, to bring them over safely. They were the size of Sebriglit's bantams, the cock ha\ing dark blue feathers on the breast, and tail tijiped with gold, briglit yellow hackles, black beak an<l legs, and comb of a bluish tinge. The hen was very like our Ik'U pheasants, but much smaller, and with a much less lu'illiant ])lumage than that of the male bird. They are very timid, and rai'cly tamed.

Notwithstanding all our care and attention, feed-

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