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book, about two feet long, and very thick, which was brought in by two men, and pkiced with cere- monious reverence on a table. This book con- tained a genealogical table written by the Prince's father, and several poems composed by his grand- father, relatives, and friends, which he seemed very proud of. The volume was bound in leather, and inlaid with precious stones and gold, two small yellow satin cushions being placed under the back when opened, in order that it might not be strained. Every page was illuminated with gold and colours, in a manner far superior to anything I had ever expected from the hands of the Javanese. The book, which is seventy-five years old, is called Me- nac.

We were introduced by the Prince to his mother, a woman between sixty and seventy, which for a native is considered very aged. She, however, looked very hearty and strong, and possessed a wonderfullv retentive memory. She remembered

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