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in love with eacli otlier, and a day was fixed for their "vvedclino;. Just at this crisis Sukorini, who had for some time been in search of Gundold, made liis appearance, and was informed by his elder brother of his success in the discovery of the precious medicine, with which he intended to return soon after his n^iarriafi^e. Sukorini, who was full of deceit and cunning, feigned great joy at the success of his brother, Avho vmsuspiciously took him to the spot where the ])alni was concealed, and showed it to him.

That night, when the inmates of the cave were wrapt in sleep, Sukorini crept noiselessly in, and taking the medicine from its hlding-])lace, secured it about his person, and fled from the spot, resting neither night nor day till he reached the palace of tlu' king, his father.

(Jundohl was very nuich ainioyed when he dis- covere(l the deceit which his l)i'other had ])ractised up(jn him, and repairing instantlv to his betrothed,

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