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with the new isLind, fixed his aliode on it, and before long became a powerfnl independent prince.

The name, Xonsa Kambungang, signifies, ac- cording to some interpretations, " floating island," and, according to others, "a garden of flowers," an Interpretation supported by the fact of its pro- ducing, amongst several other beautiful flowers, one called AA'^ejoyokesumo, which was supposed only to open on the occasion of a Sultan's corona- tion or the marriage of a royal prince or princess, and could be found only by a virtuous man, the touch of a re])robate causing it instantly to shrivel up and die.

A mission, attended with great "pomp and cir- cumstance," was sent out in (piest of this singular flower, which tluy were so fortunate as to discover. The ofHcial a])[)ointed to bear it returnt'd with it mounted on a richly caparisoned steed, shaded under a canopy of gold, and fdllowed by a l(ng

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