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end, I had paid the men, who had vanished with their buffaloes. There was no alternative but to walk it. The morning was clear, and the sky glow- ing with stars, but the air was very keen and piercing ; so deciding not to disturb my wife, who was fast asleep in the carriage, I obtained the help of three of the doctor's servants, who, Avith Drah- man and myself, succeeded, after some difficulty, in dragging the heavy vehicle to the other house, a distance of about a quarter of a mile.

The sight of a European grate, on which we made the men pile logs of wood, was, indeed, cheering. We rubbed our hands with delight as Ave felt the warmth of the fire ; and felt glad that one of our longest and slowest journeys was over.

Sindanglaya is situated on the plateau of a hill, in the vicinity of the Pangarango, and surrounded by hills and mountains. Three or four years ago it Avas a dense jungle, but has been gradually, and rather indiscriminately, cleared of its loftiest trees,

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