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sixty miles to the west of his Kraton was either virtually his, or its princes acknowledged them- selves his feudatories. He was now styled the Ratu, or King of Padjang, a dignity which he was not long allowed to enjoy in peace. His foes, growing jealous of his increasing power, marched to the confines of his dominions, where they Avere met by a large force, headed by the Ratu's favourite chief, Pamanahan, who, after displaying great bravery, compelled the enemy to beat a hasty I'etreat.

For this signal victory the King of Padjang bestowed upon Pamanahan a whole province, con- ferring on him the title of Kiahi-gede ]Matarram, or prince of ^latarram. The dignity thus acquired he enjoyed as long as he lived, which, unfortu- nately, was bnt a short time. On his death he was succeeded by his son, who styled himself Sultan Senopati AVongalogo.

This youth, full of ambition, and wanting in

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