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name signifying literally, " the earth supported on the thigh" entitled him to this imposing if not very euphonious appellation. This distinguished indivi- dual made his appearance in a grand carriage drawn by four splendid grey Arabs, followed by a small suite of attendants, escorted by two outriders of his cavalry, and accompanied by some of his sons.

He was about the middle height, his dark face was wrinkled, but his black eyes were full of viva- city and penetration. From his conversation, one could see at once that he was a lover of knowledge, and ever ready to gain information. In Arabic he was quite at home, and knew as much of the old Kawie as could possibly be gathered from the sinu- ous characters of that extinct language, which, as a Javanese once observed to me, " we can pronounce perfectly, but are ignorant of its meaning."

He was a most amusing companion to converse with. His knowledge of Eastern history being ex-

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