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of his earnings and to attend the services of the church and co-operate with the pastor in the advancement of all spiritual work.

The church keeps a perpetual record of the attendance and the work done by each member.

It required a man of large business capacity to launch such a church with its radically new principles. But Trique's immense wealth was a powerful force when utilized in this manner. He made every church a strong business center commanding the respect of the whole community. Discipline was rigidly enforced. No member cared to be expelled from such a church. It meant a going out from under a warm cover at the approach of winter.

Fortunately, Trique was a clean, spiritual man and strongly urged a spiritual ministry and membership.

It can be seen why this church grew so rapidly. In fifty years it became so powerful that it could control, if it wished, the legislation in nearly all the sections of the planet

I have given but a brief picture of this ruling church. It must suffice. I may add