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The Water World Visited.

AS I lingered in the region of the constellation of Centaurus I was more and more profoundly impressed with the magnitude and variety of created worlds.

Among the eighteen planets that revolve around Alpha Centaurus, only six are inhabited. One of these is a sinless world, or a world whereon sin never inaugurated its blighting reign; but I will say nothing of this orb as I did not have the choice opportunity of visiting it aright. I saw its beauty only through a glass darkly.

I then fixed my mind on Polaris, commonly called the North Star. In journeying thither from Centaurus I passed thousands of Solar Systems scattered in space all around me. As I was thus darting through immensity I glanced toward our own Solar System and could see nothing but a flickering star which was our Sun. Not the faintest sign could I see of our world or of Jupiter.