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Synopsis of Contents.

Are There More Worlds Than One?

Why are countless worlds swinging in the endless regions of space? The author believes that thousands are inhabited by intelligent beings.

A Visit to the Moon.

Description of a novel city of over 60,000 Moonites. The inhabitants of the Moon are described as dwarfs having no noses because they live by eating solid air. Their odd houses, expressive paintings, strange religion, wonderful history, novel government, happy home life, etc., interestingly described.

A Visit to Mars.

Marsites described as giants needing four arms. The ultimate results of capitalistic oppression graphically portrayed by a curtain system. The description of the Marsite curtain system embodies a tremendous thrust at monopolistic trusts, and should be read by Americans by the millions. The author captured by Marsmen. Illustration.

A Glimpse of Jupiter.

Jupiterites described as colossal giants averaging twenty-five feet in height. Their language a marvel