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county designated, and, according to our measurements, it averages almost eighteen by twenty-four feet, varying according to the size of the county.

When you buy land you buy from the county only. If you wish to purchase a lot or plot from another party who is willing to sell, the two parties concerned go to the chief real estate agent who is an official of the county and has charge of the county diagram. The former owner or title-holder, upon establishing his identity, releases to the county his claims and surrenders his title on condition that he receives the sum agreed upon between the two parties.

The county agent then issues a new title to the new purchaser. It is a simple common-sense document completely describing the new owner, his relatives and his station. Thus each purchaser has his own title from the county and it is guaranteed. Under this admirably simple system disputes as to titles are rare and can scarcely occur; but if any should arise, the county takes the defense and bears all expense of litigation.