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are anxiously looking and which we designate as the Millennium.

Of all this ponderous solar system there is one world that excels all the others in its medical attainments, and of this one first I will give a flying notice.

I have named this world Dore-lyn. It is fifty times as large as our Earth and of greater specific gravity.

Its human creatures are delightfully formed and are in ruddy health and refined happiness. In shape these Dore-lynites differ somewhat from us, but long before I had reached this planet I learned something of the universal standards of symmetry and ascertained that creatures could be beautiful without resembling us whatever.

Here I found four billions of people and there is room for twenty billions more. So if you are in ill health, and have run the round of our medical fraternity without success, I would advise you to go to Dore-lyn, if you know how to reach it

These Dore-lynites are almost three times our size and they are subject to most of our ills and many more. From an early