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the beautiful summit near her summer home. Not wishing to cause her undue alarm, I at first spoke softly, remaining invisible and watching her rare eyes send their glances toward the palmy trees around me, as her wings were relaxing quietly at her side. She was positive of having heard a voice, and as she still further scanned the immediate surroundings I saw that perplexity was furrowing marks upon her face.

"Hast thou time to spend with a friend from another world?" I calmly inquired as I was still unseen by her.

She was nervously agitated, but being of strong fibre she quickly rallied with her answer, "Where art thou and who art thou?"

"I am on a peace mission from a far distant world," I quietly said as I slowly became visible to my audience of one.

Naturally she was alarmed at my appearance, and consequently I drew gradually farther and farther away until she gained more self-possession and turned interestingly toward me.

"Ah! how can you be a spirit without wings?" were her first unexpected words.