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are really a son of another world, or else I am reveling in a day dream."

"Happy am I that I can learn from you some of the truths after which I am seeking," was my evasive reply. "Tell me, Plume, something about your faith religiously."

"I worship the God who made all things and am hoping to live in the wider life after my mortal days are ended."

"Do you expect to meet, in that wider life, representatives from other worlds?"

"Ah! I have often thought that it might be so," she answered, as her face brightened in poetic fervor, and her eyes sparkled with seraphic luster.

"It shall all be so, and much more," I declared. "In that life you can fly without wings and mingle with the pure from the unnumbered worlds of space."

"What an incentive to a pure life," she quickly added.

"Talking of wings, do you object if I see more closely the cut and style of your wings? I never saw before a human creature possessing a pair."

After a moment's hesitancy she raised