Page:Life in the Old World - Vol. II.djvu/173

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which he has appointed. This you must understand, and, in order to become a perfect Christian, not do it by halves—make an open confession thereof.

Myself.—Loving the Lord Christ, and living according to his commandments, are, according to our belief, the essentials of the Christian!

The Pope.—Very good. I will tell you something. Pray!—pray for light from the Lord,—for grace to acknowledge the truth,—because this is the only means of attaining to it. Controversy will do no good. In controversy is pride and self-love. People, in controversy, make a parade of their knowledge,—of their acuteness,—and, after all, every one continues to hold his own views. Prayer alone gives light and strength for the acquirement of the truth and of grace. Pray every day, every night before you go to rest, and I hope that grace and light may be given to you; for God wishes that we should humble ourselves, and he gives his grace to the humble. And now, God bless and keep you, for time and eternity!

This pure, priestly, and fatherly admonition, was so beautifully and fervently expressed, that it went to my heart, and humbly, and with my heart, I kissed the hand paternally extended towards me. That it was the hand of the Pope, did not embarrass me in the slightest degree, for he was to me, really, at this moment, the representative of the Teacher, who, in life and doctrine, preached humility, not before men, but before God; and taught mankind to pray to him. The Pope's words were entirely true and evangelical. I thanked him from my entire heart, and departed more satisfied with him than with myself. I had