Page:Life in the Old World - Vol. II.djvu/196

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nouncements of sorrow were succeeded by four announcements of joy, the nominations of the four new cardinals, who had then to be congratulated and complimented without end, and that not merely by friends and acquaintance, but also by the whole world of Rome, which is done on a certain day of the week, when the new cardinals hold a grand reception for the whole world,. After this, they invite the whole world on another day of the same week, when they publicly receive the cardinal's hats, place them on their heads, receive honor and reverence from the princes of the church, and take precedence of all the royal princes in the world, besides having the prospect—though it may be distant—of the triple crown! But, nevertheless, they pay dearly for all this honor and glory, as it appears to cost more than twelve thousand scudi to become a cardinal. For this reason, they are frequently obliged to run into debt. But they easily borrow what they wish, because their annual income as cardinal is considerable.

After the influenza had ended its ravages in Rome, another malady seemed to seize upon every body. This was a perfect frenzy of visiting and invitations; and, although I excused myself from the greater number of invitations which were sent to me, because I could not do otherwise, yet even I, in the end, took this contagion, and gave a couple of small soirées for my Scandinavian and other friends, who had shown me kindness in Rome. I am now glad that they are over, and that they were so successful, because, next to making human beings happy, there is nothing more hazardous than the undertaking to amuse them. But