Page:Life in the Old World - Vol. II.djvu/228

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golden tiara; and in an audible voice he pronounced his benediction in the following words, in Latin:

“May the holy Apostles Peter and Paul, in whose power and dominion we trust, pray for us to the Lord! Amen.

“Through the prayers and merits of the blessed, eternal Virgin Maria, of the blessed Archangel Michael, the blessed John the Baptist, the holy Apostles Peter and Paul, and all saints, may the Almighty God have mercy upon you, may your sins be forgiven you, and may Jesus Christ lead you to eternal life. Amen.

“Indulgence, absolution, and forgiveness of all your sins; time for true repentance, a continual penitent heart and amendment of life, may the almighty and merciful God grant you these! Amen.”

At the words “El Benedictio,” in the concluding sentence, the Pope rose, made the sign of the cross over the people, who fell upon their knees, and at the word “descendat” he lifted up his arms to heaven, and laid them crosswise upon his breast.

Cannon thundered from the fortress of St. Angelo, military music struck up, and all the bells of Rome were rung. The moment was not without its solemn pomp.

The Pope withdrew into St. Peter's, and the Cardinal-Vicar threw down a large paper, which the people hastened forward endeavoring to catch. It was a written papal Indulgenza plenario, for all such as, during Lent, fulfilled the conditions of this pardon. The paper fell, this time, direct to the ground, and the boys had a scramble for it.

To all this succeeded the endless confusion and dif-