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chap; then, turning to the other, who was listening with a critical ear, he asked: “Well, Moses, what do you think of Doak’s application?”

“I reside,” replied Moses.

“You resign!”

“I reside,” repeated the umbrella-merchant, with composure. “The sbashed father is dothing. Like as dot by father was sbashed. The sick bother is dothing. By bother is dead — if I ever had ady. The boys can take gare of theirselves. I’ve toog care of byself. If there was only one girl, I bight insist. But there’s two. How old is Bary, Bister Doak!”

“Thirteen and a half.”

“Thirteen ad a half. Just the age for the orridge and apple business. I could set her up byself, if gapital is wanted. Id’s daggerous business for the borals; but the borals of good girls takes gare of theirselves. I couldn’t reside od Bary’s aggout. But there’s Jelling. How old is she?”

“Eight,” replied Bevel.

“Eight is just the age for the batch business; ad id reguires very liddle gapidal, though the profids is small. Batches without sulphur is dow id deband. But the batch business is low and ibboral. I dever dew a girl in the batch business who got into good society, ad into the brown stode Wards. Jelling had better be kepd ad hobe. I reside id her favor.”

“What do you propose to do?” asked Brightly,