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The first question, then, as to the subject of this picture, is answered. The theme is worthy to be treated. Let us proceed, secondly, to the special analysis.

The picture may be roughly divided into different regions, as follows:—

The Sky.

The Snow Dome.

The Llano, or central plain.

The Cordillera.

The Clouds, their shadows and the atmosphere.

The Hamlet.

The Montaña, or central forest.

The Cataract and its Basin.

The Glade on the right foreground.

The Road and left foreground.

Each of these regions I will take up in order.

The Scene is an elevated valley in the Andes, six thousand feet above the sea; the Time, an hour or two before sunset.

The artist might have chosen an enthusiastic moment of dawn, when peaks of snow over purple shoulders of porphyry confront the coming day. Or he might have exhibited a sunset pageant with marshalling of fiery clouds. Handled with his ability of color, such would have been electrifying effects of power in passionate action. But this picture is to teach the majesty of Power in Repose. The day’s labor is over. High noon is long past, but "gray-hooded even" not yet come. There is rich accumulation of sunshine, and withal an un-