Page:Life of David Haggart who was executed at Edinburgh, 18th July, 1821, for the murder of the Dumfries jailor.pdf/17

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considerable amount. One night in his lodgings in Perth, 2 policemen came in upon him, but the determined manner in which he received them, made them hesitate in apprehending, and Haggart gained an opportunity to escape; he left Perth for Glasgow, and made up his mind to go to Ireland, he started in the Steam Boat; here he was recognised by the Provost of Kirkaldy, who went ashore at Lamlash, Haggart was ready to jump overboard, but the boat went off without the Provost; he landed in Belfast where he attended fairs, &c. and was in continual scenes of robbing, knocking down, &c. At Drummore market he was seized and taken before a magistrate; he was asked what name he had, he answered in high Tipperara, it was John M'Colgan, from Armagh; he was cross examined, and shewn a Dublin paper with a description of his person, &c. he denied being a Scotsman, and passed off the brogue so well that the magistrate was in doubts, but he was ordered to be detained, and three yeomen sat in the court-house to guard him; he plied