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me to the hospital. To their surprise I said: "My pain has all gone." They found that I was perfectly cured, and had it not been growing late, I should have got up again from bed. However, on the following morning all traces of my attack had disappeared, and I arose with the others in the best of health.

I desire to offer my tribute of deep gratitude to this faithful Servant of God.

Charles Bellino (Aosta).

A Double Cure.

The Very Rev. Don Rua, the first successor of Don Bosco, gives the following account:

A signal favour was obtained through the intercession of Dominic Savio in the town of Chieri. A man, named Charles Bechio, had suffered for three years with a very serious rupture. He could not apply himself to any work, for as soon as he made the slightest effort, the pain became so acute that he could not stand on his feet. He had already applied all the remedies suggested by doctors and surgeons, but the illness only increased.

At the beginning of this year he chanced to read the life of Dominic Savio, and learning that many