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Life of Isaiah V. Williamson

Philada., March 4/89.

"My dear Mr. Williamson:

The Board of Trustees will hold a special meeting on Tuesday (tomorrow) at 12 o'clock, noon; and it is very desirable that you should be present, and get your views as to the propriety of purchasing the property near Media, which, we visited, with you, on Friday last. As our option to take the property will expire in a few days, and cannot be extended any further, it is highly important that prompt action be taken, or lose the opportunity of buying it.

Hoping you will be able to attend the meeting, I remain,

Very truly yours,

W. C. Ludwig."

On the Monday when this letter was written, Williamson was at his office on Bank Street, and there in the afternoon he suffered from several fainting attacks. He was taken to his boarding house, and was unconscious all day Tuesday; he revived somewhat on Wednesday, and gave that last injunction to Townsend; and on Thursday morning at four o'clock (March 7, 1889) he quietly passed away.

The Trustees had virtually decided for the Media property at the Tuesday meeting; and having the further sanction of the founder's dying words, they took action at once.