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about fifty miles of our course, but I think the prospects are good now to get it back again, and perhaps a little more. Everybody on board seems to be in good spirits to-day, except myself. There are four ships in sight, and if either of them is the Sapphire I wish she would come close to us, for I would really like to know how you are getting along. I told Captain G. that I felt confident that you are all right with that captain, as I liked the looks of him the moment I set eyes on him.

Wednesday Evening, 4th.—Well, John, evening has once more thrown her sable mantle around us, and I am seated once more in my little nine-by-seven to add another line to this puzzle. This is the thirteenth anniversary of my seafaring life, and I hope (if God spares my life) before the next thirteen expires, I shall be in better circumstances than at present, although I suppose it is folly to think of the hereafter (in regard to worldly things); yet it is but natural, if we have a mind of our own, and wish to gain fame. There are but two sails in sight to-day, and I think the old Sapphire is out of sight and I hope ahead of us, as I wish you good speed. Lat. 34 deg. 50 min. S., long. 27 deg. 12 min. E.

Thursday, 5th.—All this day fine breezes from the N. N. W. We are now within about five degrees of longitude of the Cape, and I hope and pray that this breeze will take us around, and I should like to arrive at St. Helena one or two days ahead of you, so that you may come back to us again, as I think you will be much safer here.

Everybody on board seems to be in good spirits, except Mr. Bryan, and he has been groaning all day about his old friend, you know who it is, therefore I will call no names. There is but one sail in sight to-day, and he is close to us, and I think is an Englishman; therefore I know that the old Sapphire is out of sight. Good-night, old boy! May the good spirit that has watched over you so far still continue to do so. Our latitude by observation is 35 deg. 33 min., and longitude 23 deg. 37 min. E.

Saturday, 7th.—To-day we have a fair wind again, and are scudding off at the rapid rate of about three knots per hour, but I think the prospects are fair for a strong breeze to-night.

Wednesday, 11th.—This has been a beautiful day, such a one as you used to like when you were on board. The wind has been very light, but fair. We find ourselves, by observation, about two miles from the Cape, and I hope and trust we may pass it before morning. I have thought a great deal about you to-day, and wonder how you are getting along, and something tells me that you are all right. God grant that it is so, old fellow; and may the Being whose ever watchful eye is upon us watch over and comfort you in all your troubles; and don't, for Heaven's sake, John (whatever your troubles may be), give up your evening practice. Good-night, old boy! God bless you! Our latitude is about 35 deg. 45 min. 8., and longitude 18 deg. 42 min. E.