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was about; it was no louder than a whisper; when we left we called into a public house near the barracks; we had some talk about the civilians we had left.

President. It is not about the civilians you are asked, but about the conversation.

Witness. I met prisoner without any appointment in Barclay's public house in James's Street in about a week; there were some soldiers and civilians there. Among the soldiers was Private Foley, of the Fifth Dragoon Guards. The civilians were those I had met at Hoey's. I had no conversation with the prisoner. I left Barclay's first that night. At Barclay's the prisoner was sitting at a table with some soldiers and civilians. I had seen some of the civilians before at Hoey's, I do not know the names of the civilians I met at Hoey's. The prisoner never told me the object of "the movement." O'Reilly never spoke to me about "the movement," except what he said at Pilsworth's and at Hoey's.

Cross-examined by the Prisoner:

The night I went to Hoey's and Pilsworth's was, I think, in January. I cannot say what time in January. It might have been in February. I cannot say. I know Lance-Corporal Fitzgerald; he is in my troop. I know Private Denny, Tenth Hussars; he is in my troop. I cannot say if I was in his company on New Year's night; I spent that night partly in Mount Pleasant Square and partly at the "Bleeding House" in Camden Lane. I am not able to say whether I ever saw Denny at Hoey's. I was speaking to him fifteen minutes ago; I am not able to say if I spoke to him to-day or yesterday, about the trial; I did speak to him about it; I have spoken to him about his evidence or he to me. I don't know which. It was after I read the paper and I don't think any one heard us.

Prisoner. Were you by yourself? . . . . If the Deputy Judge Advocate would be kind enough to read the last two questions and replies.

The questions and replies were read over.

Prisoner. Do you not know whether you and Denny were by yourselves?

President. You must know, in a matter that only occurred fifteen minutes ago.

Witness. I only spoke to him as we were coming across here at two o'clock. When I was speaking to Denny, there were some other men in the room, but I cannot say if we were by ourselves.

President. That makes the thing worse. When did you read the newspaper—this morning! Did you talk to Denny then about the evidence?

Witness. About nine o'clock, when I was preparing to come here,