Page:Life of Robinson Crusoe, of York, mariner.pdf/13

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Friday immediately cried out, O master! master! you see Englishmans eat prisoners as well as savage mans. At last I perceived they left the unfortunate bound man, and then rambled into the woods; upon which I drew near to them, and asked what they were? They were at first amazed at my habit, but at length one of them told me that he was master of the ship, and that the sailors had riotously rebelled against him. Upon which I made him promise two things if I redeemed him. First, That he should not pretend to any authority in the island. Secondly, He should transport me and my man, gratis, to England.

After this agreement, I furnished them with arms, and pursuing the five men, we found them asleep.

The two men fired and killed one, and wounded another, who crying out for help, the captain bid him call to God for forgiveness, and then knocked him down; the other three begging for mercy, the captain granted it, on condition of their helping to recover the ship.

The crew wondering they staid so long, sent their other boat out, and hallooing for their companions, they were answered from one hill to another, till we decoyed them into a wood, and then coming round to the boat we knocked one fellow down that was in it, and then the others joined us, and pulling up the boat on the ground, the tide being out, we prepared to meet the others returning, when immediately the captain shot, and killed