Page:Life of Robinson Crusoe, of York, mariner.pdf/6

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island encompassed by the ocean. Thus necessity made me begin to make a hut with the chests and planks that he had brought on shore.

I went on board again the next day, and brought away, three bags of nails, a screwjack, a grindstone, and a hatchet; and in short, by degrees I got what was necessary out of the ship, and proceeded to finish my habitation.

My tent I then covered with a sail which I had on shore, and I barricaded the door with my chest.

Having several good books, particularly the bible, I used to comfort myself that Providence, had not only saved my life, but that I had the wreck of the ship to maintain myself with in solitude.

I had got no pen and ink, but with a knife I cut the letters on a post that I had erected near the stone, viz. I LANDED HERE SEPT. 30, 1665; and on both sides of the post I daily made a notch with my knife, the seventh notch being as long again as the rest, by which I preserved a calendar of every week, month, or year. When I used to think of my condition, I rejoiced I was alive, and that Providence had enabled me to get a sustenance as long as I lived. And here I must give an extract of my Journal.