Page:Life of Robinson Crusoe, of York, mariner.pdf/9

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nothing, my heart was almost broke to think what a place I was to remain in.

When my cloaths were worn out, I made me a suit of the skins of four footed animals, and a cap of the same. It would have made any one smile to see me thus accoutered, with a naked sword by my side, and two guns on my shoulders.

When I had been there about five or fix years, I made me a little canoe, resolving to sail about the island; but I narrowly escaped being lost; and recovering the island again, I laid my canoe aside, and being tired, laid myself down to sleep, but was awaked by a voice calling, Where are you Poor Robinson Crusoe? Where have you been? This I found to be my parrot, whom I learned to talk this language.

As I was one time visiting the boat, I espied on the sea-shore the print of a man’s foot, from which I concluded, in a fright, that it must be occasioned by the devil, or that the savages had certainly landed in that place, the latter of which I was soon confirmed in, when I saw several skulls and bones that the Indians had left behind them.

Upon this I resolved the next time they came to destroy them; but then my mind was much disturbed with the thought of murder. However afterwards I always went out armed, and going out one morning as customary, I espied on the shore, two canoes, with eleven savages going to land, having with them another savage, whom they were going to kill and eat. In an instant the victim jumped up, and ran