Page:Life of William Blake, Gilchrist.djvu/469

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ÆT. 67—70.]

It began by a gnawing pain in the stomach, and soon spread a deadly feel all over the limbs, which brings on the shivering fit; when I am forced to go to bed, where I contrive to get into a little perspiration, which takes it quite away. It was night when it left me; so I did not get up. But just as I was going to rise this morning, the shivering fit attacked me again, and the pain with the accompanying deathly feel. I got again into a perspiration, and was well again, but so much weakened that I am still in bed. This entirely prevents me from the pleasure of seeing you on Sunday at Hampstead, as I fear the attack again when I am away from home.

I am, dear Sir,

Yours sincerely,

William Blake.

Friday Evening.

An entry in Mr. Crabb Robinson's Journal, a few weeks later, refers to Blake—

13th June, 1826.

' I saw him again. He was as wild as ever, says my Journal. But he was led to-day to make assertions more palpably mischievous, if capable of influencing other minds, and immoral, supposing them to express the will of a responsible agent, than anything he had said before.'

Which must be taken to signify that Blake and his visitor were at cross purposes, and the former not in a serene frame of mind; but in a mood to kick out, leaving his listener to make sense of his wild speech as best he could.

During the summer Mr. Linnell, who showed a truly filial solicitude for his friend, proposed taking lodgings for him in the neighbourhood of his own cottage at Hampstead, which his growing family pretty well filled. To this project and its postponement, the three following letters refer:—

2nd July, 1826.

My dearest Friend,

This sudden cold weather has cut up all my hopes by the roots. Every one who knows of our intended flight into your delightful country concurs in saying, Do not venture till summer appears again. I also feel myself weaker than I was aware, being