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The Hon. Arthur Wellesley, third son of the Earl of Mornington, was born at the family seat, on the first of May, 1769. The loss occasioned by the early death of their father, was supplied to the family by the prudence and attention of their mother. Of the childhood and youth of the distinguished subject of the following biography, no incidents worth recording have been preserved. After having studied at Eton, having made choice of the profession of arms, he was removed to the military school of Angers, which at that time enjoyed great celcbrity, and was a diligent student of those various branches of theoretical and practical science which are necessary to the formation of the accomplished soldier. He received his first commission as ensign in the 73rd foot, in 1787, when in his eighteenth year. As subaltern and captain he served both in the cavalry and infantry; in 1793, he was appointed to a majority in the 33rd foot; and in the spring of that year, he became Lieutenant Colonel of the same corps, by purchase. All this time he was busily engaged with professional studies; but being now in command of a regiment, he was naturally anxions for active service. An opportunity was soon afforded, and his regiment landed in Ostend, in June, 1794, having been sent to join the forces commanded by the Duke of York. The state of affairs upon the Continent was then critical; the allied forces were placed in a disadvan-